Monday, July 9, 2018

Interesting Picoscope Application!

The Insect Ecology and Communication Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at Ohio University focuses on understanding communication pathways in insects (inter- and intra-specific communication) and their environment (plant-insect interactions and foraging). We are interested in using chemical ecology, behavioral ecology and physiology to advance our knowledge of basic insect ecology (foraging, reproduction) in particular for pest management (e.g., blow flies, midge flies), forest entomology (e.g., longhorn beetles) and pollination (e.g.native pollinators) applications, and to develop viable monitoring techniques and strategies for threatened and endangered insect species. To tackle these research avenues, we use a combination of laboratory assays, field experiments and surveys, and chemistry and chemical ecology methods (compound identification via mass spectrometry [GC-MS] and electro-antennogram [EAD]).

They have purchased a Picoscope on our recommendation, wanting to measure the frequency of insect wing vibrations!

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