Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Mitigating RF Pickup in Power Rails

Signal Integrity Journal just featured an interesting article from Teledyne LeCroy.  Though it features a higher-end model than we carry, the principles remain the same!

Measuring the noise on a power rail seems to be a straightforward task. However, there are some basic pitfalls that can cause incorrect, or even downright strange, results. Let's look at one of these challenges: RF pickup. We'll demonstrate the effect of RF pickup on a power-rail measurement, and then we'll show you an effective means of mitigating that effect.
But before we get into the issue itself, let's take a step back for a moment. It's always important to understand the capabilities (and limitations) of your oscilloscope, because armed with that knowledge, you can better anticipate what your measurements will yield.
If we're talking about measuring noise, and especially in the context of a low-level signal, something we really want to know is our oscilloscope's noise floor. How much noise is the front-end amplifier inherently producing?
Read on here:  

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