Monday, November 8, 2021

Measures currents from 1nA to 800mA with a 10pA resolution

 Saelig Introduces NanoRanger® NR-01 3.5 Digit DC Nanoammeter - measures currents from 1nA to 800mA with a 10pA resolution. Supplied factory calibrated, eliminating the requirement for high-cost precision components, keeping the purchase price low. 

NR-01 - an affordable, highly accurate 3.5-digit DC ammeter designed for accurately measuring very low currents.  With automatic dynamic ranging (9 ranges across 8.5 decades), NanoRanger® measures currents from 1nA up to 800mA with a maximum resolution of 10pA.  Each instrument is supplied factory calibrated, eliminating the requirement for high-cost precision components in the design, and thus keeping the purchase price low. The current is measured with a 12-bit ADC which is oversampled and automatically averaged to produce a 16-bit result. Samples are taken every 170uS. Readings are shown every 300mS, built up from 180 averaged samples to eliminate line noise (both 50 Hz and 60 Hz). An alternative 'Fast Sample' Mode can sample at 150 measurements per second.

The backlit 11-digit 128 x 64 LCD display provides a wealth of information for current readings; for instance, mA, uA, nA, and pA are all on one line. A Running Average reading (current and time elapsed) allows the user to measure power consumption of specific events, such as radio transmissions.   The Range Coverage Bar shows the ranges covered during the measurement; it can be ‘bracketed’ or limited to just one range. A signal-to-noise ratio display shows how much noise, or AC, is present on the current signal.  Minimum and maximum ranges can be adjusted to limit the auto-ranging, or fixed at a single range.

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