Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Indian review of NanoRanger by Pallav Aggarwal

NanoRanger is a precision current measurement tool by Altonovus Ltd, U.K. It can measure current from 1nA to 800mA with a resolution of 10pA. It has very good accuracy and it can also be controlled by a USB interface.

Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxYtsCmNQbQ

Features: - A large 11-digit display shows mA, uA, nA, and pA, all on one line. - Running Average reading (current and time elapsed) to measure the power consumption of specific events; for example, a radio transmission. - Fully isolated USB Interface for device control and readings export. - The Range Bar can be ‘bracketed’ or limited to just one range. - Range Bar movement after every reading shows that NanoRanger® is operating. - Range Coverage Bar shows the ranges covered during the measurement. - Low Burden Voltage ( less than 50mV) on all ranges. - Fast Up-Range switching (30uS / range) under load changes. - Down-range switching when full reading is below range threshold. - Readings every 300mS, built up from 180 samples and averaged to tune out mains noise (both 50 Hz and 60 Hz). - A new 'Fast Sample' Mode, running at 150 measurements per second. Update the firmware with the latest if you have older firmware on your meter. - SNR display indicates the noise level on the signal. - User-configurable Auto Power-off timer. - The NanoRanger® dimensions are 148 x 90 x 30mm. - 2 x AA batteries give around 150 hours of operation. In this review video 📽️ he sharesthe following details:
1:40 - How I got to know about NanoRanger 2:25 - Unboxing, what comes with the package 3:26 - Main features 5:53 - How to configure the NanoRanger manually 8:46 - Testing 3 power supplies IQ (500uA / 500nA / 60nA) 13:25 - Testing Nanoranger with DC Load for 50mA / 250mA / 750mA 16:10 - How to connect Nanoranger over USB, which software to use which commands to use 22:22 - Quick teardown :) what is on the PCB?  

Watch the full video - he has invested a lot of time in this and hopes you will learn from it.

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