Thursday, June 24, 2021

What Is a Tracking Generator?

Many spectrum analyzers include tracking generators, but what is the purpose for them and how can they help with circuit measurements. Basically, tracking generators are variable, or swept, RF generators that “track” with the spectrum analyzer sweep frequency. Some tracking generators have a limited frequency sweep as compared with their mating spectrum analyzer, so you need to know any frequency limitations in advance. For instance, Siglent Spectrum Analyzers have built-in tracking generators that sweeps the same frequency range as the analyzer itself, while Rigol offers them as an option (-TG).

When activated, the tracking generator and spectrum analyzer function as a scalar network analyzer – that is, you may display |s21|, or amplitude, but not phase. While not quite as versatile as a true network analyzer, a scalar analyzer is useful for measuring filters, small-signal amplifiers, adapters, coax loss and attenuators.

Watch this video for more:

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