Tuesday, July 18, 2017

LED Lighting Grows - So Must Advances in Fabrication Technology

Clive Beech (Plessey Semiconductor UK) writes in Radio-Electronics.com:

As Expectations for LED Lighting Grow, So Must Advances in Fabrication Technology

Clive Beech
LED Components Manager
LED technology has advanced a long way in recent years - from he small LED indicators used years ago, LED lighting is now a major technology providing everything from television displays to domestic and commercial lighting as well as having many automotive applications.

LED lighting is no longer a novelty – consumers, businesses and governments now appreciate the very real energy-saving and environments benefits this technology is capable of. Users have also been won over on the advantages of LED lights compared to other energy-saving alternatives, so much so that they are now demanding even better solutions for an ever-wider range of applications.
The battle for improved energy efficiency, especially in the home, began some 30 years ago with the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), which offered an energy reduction of up to 75% and, with an 8 times life expectancy, promised significant cost savings over the bulb’s life despite an initial high cost. But convincing consumers to adopt CFLs wasn’t easy and, in the early years, often required governments to subsidize bulb costs via energy utilities to encourage uptake.

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