Thursday, March 31, 2016
Career choices ...
My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned ... couldn't concentrate. Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack, but I just couldn't hack it, so ...they gave me the ax. After that I tried to be a tailor, but I just wasn't suited for it. Mainly because was a so-so job. Next I tried working in a muffler factory, but that ...was exhausting. I wanted to be a barber, but ...I just couldn't cut it. Then I tried to be a chef -- figured it would add a little spice to my life, but I just ...didn't have the thyme. I attempted to be a deli worker, but any way I sliced it, I... couldn't cut the mustard. My best job was being a musician, but eventually I found ...I wasn't noteworthy. I studied a long time to become a doctor, but I...didn't have any patients. Next was a job in a shoe factory; I tried but I ...just didn't fit in. I became a professional fisherman, but discovered that I ...couldn't live on my net income. I would not be a witch, even for a spell. I managed to get a good job working for a pool-maintenance company, but the work was ...just too draining. I got a job at a zoo feeding giraffes, but I was fired because I ...wasn't up to it. So then I got a job in a fitness-center, but they said I ...wasn't fit for the job. Next, I found being an electrician interesting, but the work was shocking and I ...was discharged. After many years of trying to find steady work I finally got a job as a historian until I realized there was future in it. My last job was working at Starbucks, but I had to quit because it ...was always the same old grind.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
FREE Electronics/ EMC Equations & Conversion Chart
A while ago, Microwave Journal published an #EMC Equations and Conversion Chart for #RF #engineers. It's a handy reference to frequency conversions and bands, antenna equation and selection guide, VSWR conversion chart and more. Information so useful, it's suitable for display in the office or lab!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Interesting Video: “Using #Picoscope 4425 To Test #Automotive Ignition Waveforms for #Autorepair”
Video: “Using #Picoscope 4425 To Test #Automotive Ignition Waveforms for #autorepair”
Mechanic Enrique Osorio says: "I prefer the Pico over the Snap-On Scopes simply because the Pico is just as powerful as the scopes Snap-On makes but costs significantly less. The cost is difference is huge once you add on accessories.
You can get the new standard kit from Saelig that comes with a 4-channel oscilloscope and lots of leads, probes and accessories for not much money!

Mechanic Enrique Osorio says: "I prefer the Pico over the Snap-On Scopes simply because the Pico is just as powerful as the scopes Snap-On makes but costs significantly less. The cost is difference is huge once you add on accessories.
You can get the new standard kit from Saelig that comes with a 4-channel oscilloscope and lots of leads, probes and accessories for not much money!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Rapid Triggering With Picoscopes
When you're sampling a repetitive waveform with
PicoScope, you probably use the Repeat or Auto trigger modes. After each
capture, the software on your PC reset the scope hardware to wait for the next
trigger event. During this setup process, the scope is not available to capture
a new waveform, resulting in a "dead time" of a millisecond or more
between captures.
T o shorten this dead time, most PicoScope oscilloscopes
offer a Rapid trigger mode. This uses hardware in the scope to capture multiple
waveforms without waiting for the software, and can reduce the dead time to one
or two microseconds. (For details, see the PicoScope data sheet for your scope model.) Rapid trigger mode is available only on fast
timebases and is limited to the number of waveforms that will fit in the
scope's buffer memory. With deep-memory scopes such as the PicoScope 3000
Series with up to 512 MS of buffer memory, or even the PicoScope 6000 Series
with buffer sizes up to 2 GS, this is unlikely to be a significant limitation.
Events that occur during the dead time, such as digital
bus activity, could be missed.
To use Rapid trigger mode:
* Select a fast timebase (1 ms/div or faster) using the
Collection Time control
* On the Triggering toolbar set the Trigger type to Rapid
* Select the number of buffers you require using the
Rapid Captures control
* Press the space bar or click the Start/Stop button to
arm the trigger
Read more about PicoScope's advanced digital triggers:
Monday, March 21, 2016
DINI Group announces full integration with EXOSTIV FPGA Debug Solution
March 21, 2016 -- DINI Group announces successful
integration of the EXOSTIV FPGA Debug Solution with our Xilinx
UltraScale and Virtex-7 series of ASIC Prototyping Products. The EXOSTIV
solution enables FPGA debug at very high data rates into a large
external memory (up to 8GB).
“We solved a difficult network test fixture bug using the bright orange EXOSTIV box, proving the value of the EXOSTIV solution,” said Mike DINI, president of DINI Group. “Our live TOE_IoT demonstration was crashing after 20 seconds of continuous operation. ChipScope Pro ILA and other debug solutions weren’t providing nearly enough memory depth. Network capture boards, which cannot handle 10GbE at >90% bandwidth were dropping packets. This lack of visibility made the debug process significantly more complicated, bordering on impossible. The EXOSTIV solution gave us deep debug memory depth at full bandwidth. We were able, in short order, to find and fix the Verilog bug in the test fixture.”
No custom hardware interfaces were required since the EXOSTIV box cables directly to SFP/QSFP sockets, which are native to DINI Group’s Virtex-7 and UltraScale products. The tools were easy to use and intuitive. The logic added internally to the FPGA by the EXOSTIV tools was minimally invasive and did not affect the timing of the design.
DINI Group is an established leader in large, FPGA-based boards, critical IP, and systems. DINI Group FPGA boards are used in large quantities for ASIC and SOC prototyping, low-latency trading, and high performance computing. From their corporate campus in La Jolla, California, DINI Group employees have supplied over fourteen billion ASIC gates.
Exostiv Labs ( is a division of Byte Paradigm sprl, a company incorporated in Belgium. Exostiv Labs is a trade name of Byte Paradigm sprl for solutions dedicated to FPGA and Programmable Logic.
“We solved a difficult network test fixture bug using the bright orange EXOSTIV box, proving the value of the EXOSTIV solution,” said Mike DINI, president of DINI Group. “Our live TOE_IoT demonstration was crashing after 20 seconds of continuous operation. ChipScope Pro ILA and other debug solutions weren’t providing nearly enough memory depth. Network capture boards, which cannot handle 10GbE at >90% bandwidth were dropping packets. This lack of visibility made the debug process significantly more complicated, bordering on impossible. The EXOSTIV solution gave us deep debug memory depth at full bandwidth. We were able, in short order, to find and fix the Verilog bug in the test fixture.”
No custom hardware interfaces were required since the EXOSTIV box cables directly to SFP/QSFP sockets, which are native to DINI Group’s Virtex-7 and UltraScale products. The tools were easy to use and intuitive. The logic added internally to the FPGA by the EXOSTIV tools was minimally invasive and did not affect the timing of the design.
DINI Group is an established leader in large, FPGA-based boards, critical IP, and systems. DINI Group FPGA boards are used in large quantities for ASIC and SOC prototyping, low-latency trading, and high performance computing. From their corporate campus in La Jolla, California, DINI Group employees have supplied over fourteen billion ASIC gates.
Exostiv Labs ( is a division of Byte Paradigm sprl, a company incorporated in Belgium. Exostiv Labs is a trade name of Byte Paradigm sprl for solutions dedicated to FPGA and Programmable Logic.
emPC-A/RPI Industrial Grade Raspberry Pi!
Need a controller that's as simple as Pi but with the muscle for industrial applications?
The emPC-A/RPI is a compact, fanless embedded controller based on the Raspberry Pi 2 B board, but with Janz Tec add-ons to implement additional features needed for industrial applications. Intended for wall or DIN-rail mount, the emPC-A/RPI includes many extra features that expand the usefulness of the Raspberry Pi computer, including a CANbus interface. The compact 24 pin multi-connector provides connection to many of the emPC-A/RPI interfaces such as SPI, I2C, 8 x digital I/O lines, RS232/485, etc. Two USB interfaces are also available on the connector panel.

The emPC-A/RPI is a compact, fanless embedded controller based on the Raspberry Pi 2 B board, but with Janz Tec add-ons to implement additional features needed for industrial applications. Intended for wall or DIN-rail mount, the emPC-A/RPI includes many extra features that expand the usefulness of the Raspberry Pi computer, including a CANbus interface. The compact 24 pin multi-connector provides connection to many of the emPC-A/RPI interfaces such as SPI, I2C, 8 x digital I/O lines, RS232/485, etc. Two USB interfaces are also available on the connector panel.
The compact (4.0” x 3.8” x 1.2”) and lightweight ( 0.9lb)
emPC-A/RPI is a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B powered by a 900MHz quad-core ARM
Cortex-A7 BCM2836 processor with 1GB SDRAM. Built-in interfaces include: HDMI
graphics, 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet, 4 x USB 2.0, Micro SDcard socket, CAN,
ISO/DIN 11898-2 (isolated from logic), a 9-pin D-SUB connector for serial
debug, an RS232/485 Serial port, an RTC with battery backup, 4 x digital
outputs, 4 x digital inputs (isolated from logic). The Serial Port is
implemented by SC16IS740 UART and supports either RS232 or RS485
(link-selectable). Interface signals such as CANbus and digital I/O are
located on a 24-pin multi-connector. The CAN interface is implemented by
an MCP2515 controller chip. CAN interface signals support ISO 11898-2 (high
speed) and are isolated from system logic. Input power can come from a 9 – 32V
The emPC-A/RPI comes standard with pre-installed Raspbian
operating system software, but it is also available without software to allow
the choice of an alternative Raspberry Pi 2 B compatible operating system.
If the additional interfaces of the emPC-A/RPI (RTC, CAN, RS232/RS485)
are not required, then the official Raspbian operating system is recommended
for emPC-A/RPI systems. The Janz Tec emPC-A/RPI driver package is also
available. This Raspbian-compatible .deb package enables the additional
features of the emPC-A/RPI such as RTC, CAN, and RS232/RS485.
The use of CODESYS runtime control system software is also
possible for the emPC-A/RPI. This is a soft PLC program created by
3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH. Using this IEC 61131-3 programming system in
combination with the Janz Tec emPC-A/RPI system is ideal for test and
educational applications because the controller can make use of the additional
interfaces the emPC-A/RPI offers, such as digital IO, CAN, RTC, and
More here:
Friday, March 18, 2016
5 Reasons to Love the New USB 3.1 Connection System
5 Reasons to Love the New USB 3.1 Connection System
Posted Feb 26th 2016
By Richard Comerford, Senior Technical Editor, AspenCore
There’s a sea change coming in connectivity for personal electronics and portable devices. Called USB 3.1, or SuperSpeed Plus, it will bring improvements in power, speed, and usability. In the past, when people heard that they would have to use a new type of connection system, one could practically hear a collective groan from the masses. In this case, it’s going to be different. In reverse order of significance, here are five reasons why you’re going to love this new connection scheme., March 17, 2016
An Overview of oscilloscope Banner Specs
"Banner specs" is a term that oscilloscope makers use often. If you've
ever met with one of the vendors' salespeople, you're likely to have
heard it. But what are banner specs and what do they mean to you?
Here is an example of banner specs, in this case for Teledyne LeCroy's HDO 4000 series |
Basically, banner specs are the key specifications that the manufacturers hope will catch your
eye when you're looking for a new oscilloscope (see the figure). Some
will disparage "banner specs" as purely a marketing catchphrase, and
yes, it can be, but these specifications are much more than that.
Taken as a group, an oscilloscope's banner specs will give you a good high-level indication of what kind of instrument you're looking at. Depending on your application requirements, an oscilloscope's banner specs will let you know whether a given instrument is potentially the right one for you.
So what are banner specifications? Essentially, we're talking about four key parameters:
Taken as a group, an oscilloscope's banner specs will give you a good high-level indication of what kind of instrument you're looking at. Depending on your application requirements, an oscilloscope's banner specs will let you know whether a given instrument is potentially the right one for you.
So what are banner specifications? Essentially, we're talking about four key parameters:
- Bandwidth: The bandwidth of an oscilloscope indicates the point at which the measured amplitude on an amplitude/frequency chart has decreased by -3dB (or 70.7%) of the original value in relation to its level at a lower reference frequency. Basically, an oscilloscope's bandwidth is the frequency range over which it makes reliable measurements. An old rule of thumb, the Five Times rule, is that the bandwidth of an oscilloscope should be five times the signal frequency being measured. Following this rule will result in measurements with errors due to frequency limitations to within +/-2%.
- Sampling rate: An
oscilloscope's sample rate is the number of times per second the
instrument's digitizer samples the waveform for conversion to digital
values. Or, we can say it's the number of samples per second the
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) can store in memory. A higher sampling
rate will capture more waveform detail, meaning that it's less likely
that critical information will not be captured. Don't forget to look at
minimum sample rates as well as maximums; the former is important when
observing slowly changing signals over long time periods.
- Acquisition memory: The maximum amount of memory space the oscilloscope has in which to store acquired waveforms. Sometimes this is expressed in terms of record length, or how many sampled and digitized waveform points the oscilloscope can acquire for a single waveform record. One can set an oscilloscope to sample at the maximum rate all the time, but doing so will be impractical at longer time-base periods. That's why most oscilloscope makers build their instruments so that the sampling rate is automatically adjusted to match the time-base in order to get the most out of the available memory.
- Resolution: The ADC’s resolution determines the fidelity with which it digitizes and reproduces signals on-screen. The oscilloscope parameter most improved by ADCs with greater resolution is the instrument’s vertical precision. ADC resolution has been a forgotten parameter until quite recently, because virtually all of the instruments on the market were built with 8-bit ADCs in the acquisition system. Of late, however, instruments with 12-bit ADCs have appeared, resulting in a huge jump in vertical precision.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Customer Kudos
It's great when folks put comments at the end of the online orders!
Here's a recent one:
"I am from the Rochester area originally (most of my family are ex-kodak :P), and have purchased from Saelig before. I cannot applaud your customer service enough, I recommend Saelig all the time!"
Thanks - L.G. Love it!

Here's a recent one:
"I am from the Rochester area originally (most of my family are ex-kodak :P), and have purchased from Saelig before. I cannot applaud your customer service enough, I recommend Saelig all the time!"
Thanks - L.G. Love it!
Friday, March 11, 2016
Introducing SDG2000X 16-bit 40/80/120MHz Function/AWG Signal Generators
- Dual-channel, 40/80/120MHz bandwidth, 20Vpp maximum output amplitude, high fidelity output with 80dB dynamic range
- High-performance sampling system with 1.2GSa/s sampling rate and 16-bit vertical resolution. No detail in your waveforms will be lost
- Innovative TrueArb technology, based on a point-by-point architecture, supports any 8pts~8Mpts Arb waveform with a sampling rate in range of 1μSa/s~75MSa/s
- Innovative EasyPulse technology, capable of generating lower jitter Square or Pulse waveforms, brings a wide range and extremely high precision in pulse width and rise/fall times adjustment
- Plenty of analog and digital modulation types: AM, DSB-AM,FM, PM, FSK, ASK and PWM
- Sweep and Burst function
- High precision Frequency Counter
- Standard interfaces: USB Host, USB Device(USBTMC, LAN (VXI-11) Optional interface: GPIB
- 4.3” touch screen display for easier operation
This video shows you more:
More details here:
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Keyword exhaustion!! ARRGGGHH!!
New keyword search software is exhaustive - and exhausting! I'll have to get round to answering on all these questions that it raised!
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