Friday, October 26, 2012


Saelig Co. Inc. is No. 92 on the Rochester Top100 List!  Privately-owned companies in the Rochester, NY area are ranked by three-year growth.  Thank you to our great customers!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Love it!

Web Review Site:

I never wrote a review for a merchant before. Yet, my transaction with Saelig was such a fabulously positive experience that I felt compelled to write this review.

THANKS Saelig!!! :)"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ten Entrepreneurial Strategies for Success

1. Trust Your Gut
2. Buck the Conventional Wisdom
3. Never Let Adversity or Failure Defeat You
4. Go on a Treasure Hunt and Find an Underserved Niche
5. Spot a new Trend and Pounce .
6. Hit 'Em Where They Ain't
7. Just Start.
8. Save Your Bucks and Get Noticed Without Expensive Advertising
9. Exploit Your Competitor's Weakness and Make It Your Strength
10. Never Stop Reinventing Your Company

Monday, October 15, 2012


Rohit Bhargava is the author of ‘Likeonomics‘,which argues that a big part of why people make a purchase has very little to do with the five bullet points about a product. It has a lot to do with the relationship that you have built over time with the customer that you’re working with.

Is Saelig likable?  We try very hard here to answer customer inquiries personally, and maintain friendliness, so that customers get the product that will work best for them.  And if we don't have that product, we look for it worldwide and point folks elsewhere if need be.  That way we increase our trust factor as well, we trust, as likability.